Musical Development Matters

Musical Development Matters

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Musical Development Matters


Musical Development Matters is a guidance document published in September 2018. Its overall purpose is to support practitioners, teachers, musicians and parents to see the musical attributes of young children and to offer ideas as to how they can support and nurture children’s musical development by offering broad musical experiences. Printed copies are available to purchase, or you can download a copy for free.

Musical Development Matters was written to complement the Development Matters (2012) guidance and follows the same format.  Please note that in the guidance the age/stage bands overlap because these are not fixed age boundaries but suggest a typical range of development. When using Musical Development Matters it is important to remember that babies, toddlers and young children develop at their own rates and in their own ways.  The development statements and their order are not necessary steps for every child and should not be used as checklists.

Musical Development Matters forms part of the legacy of the Tri-Music Together project. The free online accompanying resource can be found on the Youth Music website.

Download Musical Development Matters in PDF format or purchase a printed copy by adding this product to your basket.
