Every Child a Mover: A practical guide to providing young children with the physical opportunities they need

Every Child a Mover: A practical guide to providing young children with the physical opportunities they need

Every Child a Mover: A practical guide to providing young children with the physical opportunities they need


Young children need active lives from birth.  We increasingly understand how the body and brain develop together, reinforcing the importance of putting physical development at the heart of early childhood education.  Concerns about lifestyles, health and childhood obesity have also put the spotlight on this vital issue, as have the growing number of 2-year-olds entitled to receive the early education entitlement.

This book – written by Jan White – is intended to help practitioners develop their knowledge and practice to better support children’s all-round physical development.  It will give readers:

  • a deeper understanding of the role of movement and physicality in children’s lives, wellbeing, health, development and learning
  • a strong commitment to increasing movement and physicality in all aspects of care/education and in their home lives
  • understanding of critical movement experiences; how to support them through provision and practice; adult role and strategies for providing engagement and support
  • understanding of how to implement national curricula in this area

Every Child a Mover was the winner of the Professional Books category at the Nursery World Awards 2016. 

Every Child a Mover was used as a source text for the Outdoors and Active Project.

What others have said:

“This book is a treasure trove of thought provoking ideas, practical suggestions and sound research about every child’s first and universal language: movement. … Every early years setting should have at least one copy. ” – Helen Moylett

“Every child a mover will help you look at your outdoor and indoor environment with new eyes, and find ways to provide rich opportunities for children to develop their full potential.” Evelyn Vanderhoof, Community Playthings
