Pedagogic pointers for reflection and dialogue

The following extracts from past early years teaching newsletters have a feature which supports your team dialogue around pedagogy and practice dilemmas and reflective practice. 

You could use the pedagogic pointers in a staff meeting, self-evaluation exercise or in team meetings. Ideally, use it as an opportunity for evaluation, reflection and then team and setting development. Start with an understanding about how you will treat each other respectfully in the dialogue, share ideas and viewpoints, and take time to explore and find out about dilemmas that might arise.

How do you listen to children and respond to what they say? 

Choose some questions below to reflect upon 

  • In what ways do you actively LISTEN to children and really show interest in what they have to say?
  • Reflect on the amount of time you give to each child to speak and share their opinions, and how long you wait (and pause) to listen to a child’s thoughts or reply.
  • How do you demonstrate that you value what children think and have to say?
  • In what ways do you consult with them about their day and seek their thoughts and opinions?
  • Think about the value and priority during the day / week / term you place on hearing children’s thoughts and opinions.
  • How do we listen to children who might not use speech, or might not be confident to speak? What other ways can we hear their views?

Useful links to support your dialogue

How do you maximise children’s experiences of playing and learning using the outside in all weathers?

Start with an agreement about how you will respectfully consider other opinions. Be honest and open, share ideas and viewpoints, and take time to explore and find out about dilemmas or issues that might arise. Consider the following reflective questions

  • In what ways do our children have opportunities to be outside, actively playing and learning every day?
  • In what ways do you promote the EYFS areas of learning outside and use the space to offer enriching, gross motor activities for the children every day?
  • What are our personal values and experiences of outdoor play – and in what ways do they impact how you teach and get involved in children’s play and learning?
  • In what ways do you show to children, parents and other adults how you value using your outdoor spaces for all areas of learning?
  • If you were to improve two things about your use of outside, what would it be? How could you move forward to develop this?

Supporting outside play and learning

Useful websites for outside learning

Huge thanks to our Early Education Associate and passionate outside play expert, Kathryn Solly for her recommended links, websites and additional information for outside play.

See the Outside play and learning pedagogic page on our website.

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Reggio Emilia

Last updated Spring 2018. The preschools of the Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy inspire us with their pedagogy and practice in giving children rich encounters

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Friedrich Froebel

Who was Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) Born on 21 April 1782 Friedrich Froebel was a German educator who invented the kindergarten. He believed that “play is

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