Nursery, infant and primary schools

Whether you’re a maintained nursery school whose staff are all working in the early years, an infant or primary school with a foundation unit (small or large) or a multi-academy trust with early years provision across multiple schools, Early Education offers you cost effective opportunities for staff development through local branch events and national training and events.  We also offer bespoke consultancy and training for INSET days or quality improvement support.

Both senior staff and those in class can benefit from our regular updates on changes to early years regulatory frameworks, research, reports, pedagogic resources and funding opportunities.  opportunities for networking with other early years practitioners and leaders.

We also provide a national voice raising concerns on your behalf about early years policy and funding through direct lobbying and our work as Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Nursery Schools, Nursery & Reception Classes.

Being a member gives you:
  • discounts on the cost of events and publications
  • free or discounted access to branch events
  • our termly Early Education Journal and access to back copies online
  • fortnightly email bulletins to keep you up to date with regulatory changes, new research, reports and resources, and opportunities for getting engaged with our campaigns
  • free advertising on our jobs board.
Current cost and discounts for online learning has allowed my staff to access training they wouldn't otherwise be able to. They are coming in with new ideas and areas for discussion.
Feedback from member

Early Education is a member of the Council for Subject Associations

Local branch events

Our local branch events provide low-cost twilight and Saturday morning events for you and your team to get some CPD, often including visits to other schools or settings

Courses and conferences

Our high quality, affordable national courses and conferences include a mix of online and face to face delivery options.

In-house training and support

Our Associates provide bespoke training and consultancy. All our experienced and expert in their field, and we will aim to match you with the specialist expertise you need at a budget you can afford, whether for training events or ongoing support and consultancy.

Free online resources

Our online resources include a range of practice guides and resources, eg how to make best use of Early Years Pupil Premium and getting children outdoors and active.

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