How to spend your EYPP

There are a range of sources that can help you to refine your decision making processes in regard to EYPP.  This list is not exhaustive.

  • The Early Education Foundation Early Years Toolkit provides an evidence-based assessment of the cost-effectiveness and potential impact of interventions, and the strength of current evidence to support these.  It is based on certain types of evidence (mainly randomised controlled trials), but you should always consider this in the context of what you know about your setting and your children.  The information includes an overview as well as in depth material for each strand within the toolkit that could be used as CPD by staff teams.
  • The government-funded Foundation Years website includes a selection of case studies about EYPP resulting from a call for evidence.
  • The Welsh Government has published Early Years Pupil Development Grant (EYPDG): What really works for the early years?  This has case studies as well as the reasons behind the premium and principles to follow.
  • There are lots of local authorities who have information on their websites.  It is worth looking at a variety of websites in addition to your own local authority.


Ultimately the important thing to think about when making your decisions will be in relation to justifying your spending.  It will be necessary to justify you decisions in relation to the difference the funding has made to

  • the progress of the eligible children,
  • any impact on the home learning environment,
  • the development of the staff’s knowledge and understanding of how young children learn or
  • how the eligible children’s life experiences have been extended.

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