APPG on Nursery Schools, Nursery and Reception Classes

Early Education provides the Secretariat to the APPG on nursery schools, nursery and reception classes

If you’d like to be added to the mailing list, please email us.  

You can also follow @APPG_Nursery on Twitter for updates.

Next Meeting

Details of future meetings will be posted here. 

  • Chair
    James Daly MP
  • Vice-Chair
    Theresa Villiers MP
  • Vice-Chair
    Ian Mearns MP
  • Secretary
    Jack Dromey MP
  • Treasurer
    Steve Brine MP

Latest news and campaign updates

Hundreds of school staff march on Downing Street to save nursery schools

Today (Tues 19 Oct), 150 representatives from maintained nursery schools in England will gather in London’s Parliament Square, alongside parents, …

Early Education and unions call for long-term MNS funding

Organisations representing Maintained Nursery Schools have joined together to warn the government that it must provide a long-term funding solution …

June 2021

Updated briefing for MPs

February 2021

Letter from the APPG Officers to the Chancellor

January 2021

Briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on the early years sector – safety concerns and funding

Papers from past meetings

The role of maintained nursery schools in supporting children’s recovery

Additional resources

The unique and added value of Birmingham’s maintained nursery schools, May 2019

Nursery Schools – The hidden benefits: A report from seven Yorkshire and Lincolnshire maintained nursery schools

Hidden Value: A report exploring the role and future of maintained nursery schools in London, London Councils, September 2018

State of the nation 2016: social mobility in Great Britain – report of the Social Mobility Commission, including commentary on the value of maintained nursery schools in supporting social mobility

Government plans will reallocate nursery funding from poorer to richer children – and no one seems to notice – blog by Kitty Stewart and Ludovica Gambaro

Maintained Nursery Schools: the State of Play was launched in March 2015 at a parliamentary reception hosted by Graham Stuart MP and supported by MPs of all parties.