Find your local branch

We have local branches across the UK.  Run by a committee of local members on a voluntary basis, branches organise meetings where you can hear a speaker, network with other local practitioners and often visit a local setting or school.  Branch events are generally open to both members and non-members of Early Education, with members getting free or discounted access.  Follow the links for each branch to sign up for their mailing list.

Welcome to the Oxfordshire branch of Early Education

Oxfordshire branch was relaunched in 2000. It is an active, lively branch offering the opportunity for all who work with young children to meet, network and engage in professional development opportunities.

We run a programme comprising two meetings each term. These take place from 6pm to 8pm and are often held in local nurseries. The first session is led by a speaker of national standing. The second is a follow-up discussion. Each meeting provides a networking opportunity before the session with light refreshments.

We work closely with the local authority and the 6 nursery schools when planning our programme.

Our programme is centred around the principles and practice which support and enhance children’s learning. We have recently focused on outdoor learning and are planning sessions around creativity.

The committee comprises a small, dedicated group of early years enthusiasts who work well together to ensure that branch events run smoothly. They also work closely with the national office.

Our upcoming programme of events includes:

18th October 2023 - Where to Start with ‘Building our own Curriculum in the Early Years’? – with Ruth Swailes 

9th November 2023 - Read all About it! – creating a community that enjoys reading – with Neil Griffiths

7th February 2024 - Find out more about NELI – Nuffield Early Language Intervention and the Nursery Language Enrichment Programme – with Dr. Gillian West

29th February 2024 - Why is it hard for adults to face up to childhood trauma? – with Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk 

22nd May 2024 - How to recognise and support mathematical mastery in young children’s play: learning from the ‘Talk for Maths Mastery’ initiative – with Di Chilvers

Book your place to attend these events via the App.

Upcoming branch events

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