Find your local branch

We have local branches across the UK.  Run by a committee of local members on a voluntary basis, branches organise meetings where you can hear a speaker, network with other local practitioners and often visit a local setting or school.  Branch events are generally open to both members and non-members of Early Education, with members getting free or discounted access.  Follow the links for each branch to sign up for their mailing list.

Welcome to the North/East/West Yorkshire branch of Early Education

From June 2020 York and District Branch of Early Education has become the North, East and West Yorkshire Branch of Early Education.

The branch supports all those working in early childhood education in these parts of Yorkshire as well as colleagues from neighbouring areas. The branch aims to support early years practitioners to further their understanding of quality early years education and care through CPD events and discussions.

Branch events are held at a variety of locations across the area served by the branch, as well as virtually. Information is sent by email to all individuals and early education settings for whom we have contact details.

In our centenary year, Early Education North, East and West Yorkshire Branch invited all NEWY members to send in their reflections of open-ended play in early years settings. These contributions were put together to form a slide show exhibition as a valuable and valued record of children’s playful learning in Yorkshire, in 2023.

Upcoming branch events

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