Find your local branch

We have local branches across the UK.  Run by a committee of local members on a voluntary basis, branches organise meetings where you can hear a speaker, network with other local practitioners and often visit a local setting or school.  Branch events are generally open to both members and non-members of Early Education, with members getting free or discounted access.  Follow the links for each branch to sign up for their mailing list.

Welcome to the Bristol/ECHO branch of Early Education

ECHO, the Early Childhood Organisation, began in Bristol in 1982 when a group of passionate enthusiasts from a range of professional backgrounds came together to raise the profile of the importance of the earliest years and to broaden access to information, networking and professional development opportunities for everyone working or interested in the sector, including teachers, nursery nurses, academics, health professionals, social workers, childminders and parents/carers. Branches originally opened in Bristol, Worcestershire and Wales and over the past four decades, through a period of intense policy change, the Bristol Branch has continued to champion the sector, promoting multi-disciplinary professional partnerships and complementing the work of Early Education. ECHO is a small voluntary organisation, managed by a committee of dedicated volunteers.

Upcoming branch events

Bristol/ECHO branch - Educators as Researchers for Educational Change
