Become an Early Education Associate

We have a rolling programme of recruitment to our team of Early Education Associates, who are leading early childhood education specialists delivering high quality training and consultancy.

Our Associates support the professional development of early years practitioners working in maintained, private, voluntary, independent and home-based settings. Some work is directly commissioned by settings and schools, much is commissioned by local authorities and some by government. Associates also deliver project work developed in line with our core aims and funded by grant-making bodies.

To be an Associate, you will need to share our core aims and values as a charity and to work in accordance with our Code of Ethics. We would normally expect you to be a member of Early Education with a pre-existing familiarity with our organisation. You should be a knowledgeable and experienced early years trainer or consultant with a strong understanding of child development and early years pedagogy and a track record of working as a practitioner, manager or leader and in an advisory/training role. A full person specification can be found in the application pack below.

In keeping with our Diversity and Equality policy, applications are particularly welcome from currently under-represented groups including people from a BAME background and men.

We would also particularly welcome applications from potential Associates based in Scotland as we have no Scottish Associates at present. 

To find out more or apply, download the Associates recruitment information pack.

Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis, and interview dates arranged when a batch of candidates has been selected. 

For an informal discussion, contact the Training and Communications Manager.

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