Making effective use of Early Years Pupil Premium

About the project

Early Education received funding from the Department for Education under its 2015-16 Voluntary and Community Sector grants programme, for a project to support and evaluate strategies for implementing the Early Years Pupil Premium.  This project has now finished.

Our aim was to find out how to help the early years sector make the best possible use of the EYPP, and to demonstrate the impact it can have. 

We had 15 pilot local networks running in 15 local authority areas in England, under the umbrella of the national project.  The local networks were collaborative ventures.  The main focus was the effective spending of the EYPP money and how settings might record this.  Participating settings worked in partnership with others, to share ideas and experiences and help their EYPP money go further. It was up to each local network to agree what forms of activity and support were most helpful, but these could include network meetings  training opportunities or consultancy.

We also had an overarching national network which disseminated ideas and case studies from the project and shared free resources to support practitioners’ thinking and planning of expenditure as well as exploring ways to measure the impact.  

Resources from the project

You can now download our project report, summarising the main outcomes of the project and making recommendations for practitioners, local authorities and government.

Also available is Practical tips on allocating Early Years Pupil Premium Funding  – our brief guide to making best use of EYPP, based on the outcomes of the project.

Further information

For more resources from the project, see the side menu.

If you would like assistance with effective use of your EYPP, please see details of how our Associates can help.

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