Local authority early years teams

We work closely with local authority early years teams across the country, many of whom commission our Associates to deliver conference and training sessions, quality improvement support, projects and service reviews.

Some local authority EY teams work with their local Early Education volunteer-run branch to enhance the availability of low-cost, high quality CPD. Many local authorities signpost our online resources in their newsletters and from their own websites.

Access professional updating opportunities through our events as well as opportunities for networking with a wide range of early years colleagues across the UK.

Being a member gives you:
  • fortnightly email bulletins summarising regulatory changes, new research, reports and resources, and opportunities for getting engaged with our campaigns
  • discounts on the cost of events and publications
  • free or discounted access to branch events
  • our termly Early Education Journal and access to back copies online
The Early Years Quality Improvement team continue to receive positive feedback from delegates who attend the training commisioned, the knowledge gained also helps to elevate the level of support given to children within the Early Years settings in our borough.
Local authority feedback on commissioned training

Commissioned training and consultancy

Our Associates are available to deliver anything from a one-off training session to a whole conference or even a complete programme of CPD. We can also support quality improvement work and projects and carry out service reviews.

Free online resources

Signpost your settings and schools to our free online resources including a range of practice guides and resources. such as how to make best use of Early Years Pupil Premium and getting children outdoors and active.

Local branch events

Our local branch events provide low-cost twilight and Saturday morning events enabling practitioners in your area to access more CPD, often including visits to other schools or settings.

Courses and conferences

Our high quality, affordable national courses and conferences include a mix of online and face to face delivery options.

EYFS reforms 2021

Everything you need to know about the implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage in England.

Read more