Universities, colleges and training providers

For universities, colleges and training providers we provide great learning resources, including our termly Journal, online resources and publications. Through our events, staff and students will have opportunities to network with a wide range of early years colleagues in settings, schools and local authorities as well as colleges and universities.

We can provide opportunities to engage practitioners as research participants and to disseminate research findings to the sector.  Local branches enable with contact local employers and offer ways to increase your impact eg helping run the local branch, offering venues for meetings and speakers for events.

Being a member gives you:

  • our termly Early Education Journal and access to back copies online
  • fortnightly email bulletins to keep you up to date with regulatory changes, new research, reports and resources, and opportunities for getting engaged with our campaigns
  • discounts on the cost of events and publications
  • free or discounted access to branch events
  • free membership for your full-time students.
Always excellent and informative - good value for money.
Feedback from training participant

The Early Education Journal

The Early Education Journal and our publications are an accessible read for students and a useful resource for staff on all aspects of early years pedagogy.

Free online resources

Our online resources include lots of material to enhance students’ wider reading or to incorporate in your teaching.

Local branch events

Our local branch events provide low-cost twilight and Saturday morning events which are a great opportunity for students to hear expert speakers, meet practitioners and often visit a local setting or school

National conferences and events

Our high quality, affordable national courses and conferences include a mix of online and face to face delivery options and provide learning opportunities for both staff and students

EYFS reforms 2021

Everything you need to know about the implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage in England.

Read more